Everyday is a Celebration

San Sebastian

Day 1

From what we saw arriving in San Sebastian late the day before….. we were anxious to get exploring and see what this pretty little town was all about, and what she had to offer!

We woke up on “Basque” time, to overcast skies from the storm that had passed through the night.  We had breakfast in the little cafe on the main floor of our hotel, all while catching up on email with the hotels Wi-Fi.  The kids still refused to eat any type of bread (filled with chocolate or not), and this was making life a tiny bit more stressful than it needed to be (they would eventually eat…. right?!?)  We decided that since the weather was set to improve over the next day, today would be our “walk around town day”.  We would save the beach for the next day and sunnier skies!

We packed up the double stroller and made our way toward the beach and “Old Town”. We hit up the awesome little kids park that was enRoute to our destination.  It was a pretty little park surrounded by HUGE trees. The kiddies had a blast here and I am sure could have spent a majority of the day just running between the climbing, the sliding, and the swinging!

We eventually made our way to the beach area, and our walk along the main boardwalk.  It was overcast and cool when we left the hotel, but it quickly turn to overcast, hot, and muggy!  Mike forgot his hat, but thank goodness we had a hat for the little man who is so affected by the heat and sun (remember the heat rash from Barcelona….)!   Syd had on sweatpants, with sunglasses packed, but alas not much else for the unpredicted hot day!

Pushing a double stoller in Europe with two toddlers is a NECESSITY. If you have 2 kids under the age of 5 do not even hesitate in making this purchase… It saved our trip a number of times! I am so glad that one of Mike co workers suggested it or else the whole trip may have been VERY different!  It did however make for an interesting “McGuyver” type of rigging once we decided to head to beach level…. If its one thing Mike can do…. well, he can configure almost ANYTHING to work for us… This included being able to carry a double stroller on the beach!  This man, well he is quite simply….. AWESOME!

We made our way to beach level, to walk in the beautiful (and despite the cloud cover), very warm sand!  The beaches were relativly quiet given the cloudy conditions, but we were pretty excited to be there, and enjoying the sand and warm water.

We made our way back up to the boardwalk and slowly making our way to “Old Town”. Our walk had us passing a number of “human statues”. One in particular that Brodie liked was the “headless man”. As we continued on our walk, we tried as hard as we could to avoid the spinning, music playing, 112 year old carousel. There was absolutely no way we could physically avoid the carousel….. it was smack right in the middle of our path. Over the duration of our trip Sydney seemed to had built up a sixth sense on these mechanical wonders, and knew there would be one in EVERY town. The moment she saw it, you knew she was sizing up which of the animals she would ride first, and this one was no exception.  We finally made our way to the entrance to the old town, and it was time to do a bit of shopping, and find a yummy place for lunch.

The Old Town was filled with trinket shops, some cute little clothing shops, and cafes. There were a ton of bars serving Pintxos (tapas), which all looked so amazing, but being with the 2 kiddies we opted to find a restaurant that they would find appealing.  Once lunch was over, it became clear that fatigue was setting in on Syd and that she just needed a nap.  Funny thing is about Sydney is that when she is most tired well she just doesnt sleep…. it was going to be a LONG afternoon!

We walked towards the marina, and fishing docks in the hopes that Syd would nap but that was not going to happen.  We watched a bunch of kids jumping from the docks into the water, slpashing around and having fun.  We decided to take a catermaran tour of the harbour and get a differnt perspective on the city.  The sun was now out in full force and it was hot.  The boat tour gave a nice reprive from the heat as it was quite windy and choppy once we left the protected harbour.  It was a nice perspective seeing the beach and hotels from the water.

After the boat tour we decided to make our way slowly back towards the beach for a quick play in the sand before dinner.  The route to the beach had us passing the carousel, and another fabulous kids park.  It is amazing to me that this “carnival” atomosphere was everywhere in Europe. There were clowns making animal balloons, carousels, cotton candy, laughing kids, crying kids, kids with face paint…… everywhere! Not just on this particular day in San Sebastian, but it was EVERYWHERE we visited in Europe. As much as I make fun of the number of carousels we encountered on our trip…. it actually was pretty cool to see just how much everyday is a celebration in Europe (summertime anyway).

The kids park was once again AWESOME!  So much to do…. and all differnt “activities” than any other park we had been in. The kids spent a ton of time rope climbing their way up a “bridge”, over, and over, and over again.  They probably would have stayed there all day but the music from the carousel finally hypnotized the kiddies and finally drew them over.

Pretty sure we bought 3 rides for each kid since that was usually a “reduced price”. Syd only wanted to ride the 112 year old dolphin. When it was time to go once again she had a hard time with the concept of  “we have used all our tickets, so there are no more rides”. We finally got her away from the carousel after much persuasion, but, you know. I totally get it…. she is 3 and this is her “whole world” for that moment in time.

After the “carnival”, we decided to walk along the beach before finding a place for dinner. Since we decided at the beginning of the day it WASN’T going to be a beach day… we didn’t have any beach clothes with us and that was a mistake on our part for sure. It was later in the day, the tide was out and the beach goers were clearing out.  It didn’t take long before we were running beach races, Syd was digging holes, and then taking off her pants because she sat in wet sand.  It was here where we spent the remainder of our day…… without our beach gear!

I cant really remember what Syd wore to dinner since her pants were soaked, but all I can recall is that we ended up at the same beach restaurant from the night before.  We got a table over looking “our beach”, caught more of the Olympics on the bars TV, all while planning the next days beach adventure.

It was a fun day exploring a new town with the family and all the crazy 3 year old emotions that go along with it!

Enjoy your (not so) Daily Dose!



San Seb1-2

Mr. Man

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Park time

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Little Miss

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La Concha Beach

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Crystal clear water

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Starting to get HOT. Makeshift hat using Brodies shirt!

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La Concha

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Double stroller strapped to his back with backpack straps and not much else. Mike can “rig” anything to make it work. I also love this photo since Mike is covered almost head to toe and the 5 guys walking towards him are the exact opposite and are in as little as possible.  Ha!  😉

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Heading towards Le Carousel

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Promenade details

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Brodie thought this was AWESOME!

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Old town

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aaannnddddd…. I’m done! See you later Mom!

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2:41pm…..Time for lunch

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Pintxos…..looked so good…. next time for sure!

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Jamon Iberico ………Awesomeness!

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Our catamaran tour

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Our catamaran

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The little Miss in NOT impressed…..

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…. and wants to be left alone!

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La Concha Beach from the catamaran

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Basque Country and I am in love with it!

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Oh so pretty San Sebastian

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It is thirsty work investigating a new European town.

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Round and round we go!

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… and yet again

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112 years old…. and oh so awesome!

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Kids playground

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just a bit of help required for the 3 year old

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in line once again

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So proud!

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“Our” beach

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Little Miss

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Always the jokester

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Mr Man.

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Beach races

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More beach races

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Bain Family (minus Mommy)…. someone had to take the picture!

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Kiddies… hangin’ in San Sebastian

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My little lady